Zocalo now works with commercetools! Read more about the integration that expands commercetools' capabilities and accelerates deployment on a leading commerce platform. Learn More


Long Beach, CA
Key Impact
Avatria's expertise helped deliver a global B2B implementation following a series of enhancements for their flagship B2C site.
+4 yrs.
Implement a flexible SAP Commerce solution that can be used to deliver global B2C and B2B capabilities.

Epson, a global manufacturer of printers, scanners, and projectors, embarked in 2015 on an initiative to develop an SAP Commerce implementation that could be used across all of its countries and territories. Avatria was brought in as a partner to ensure the platform could deliver best-in-class B2C and B2B capabilities on a global scale.

Although Avatria has guided several other clients through similar processes, this use case was quite unique. Not only did the client run a traditional eCommerce site, but they also had to host an extensive array of support documentation, downloadable drivers, and troubleshooting guides. What was essentially two separate sites, with separate content, search results, and product pages, had to be merged into one cohesive experience.

Avatria was able to tackle this challenging multi-year implementation and deliver quality due to the eCommerce expertise in core architecture, project management, and innovative solutioning.
Avatria team members were engaged from the project's inception through the go-live.
Our contributions to the project included:
  • Defining the overall project scope and roadmap based on existing client functionality and regional prioritization
  • Guiding business and IT teams through design phase activities, including data modeling and workflows
  • Partnering with user experience and visual design teams to design the site experience and reusable CMS components for a consistent experience across all countries
  • Working with delivery teams to prioritize development activities, organize testing, and coordinate with business users to resolve open questions and issues
  • Developing a reusable go-live checklist for SAP Commerce activities and coordinating individual site launches, including data migration and cutover activities
A quality driven solution that led to a multi-year collaborative partnership.

Avatria remained engaged with the client for over 4 years and completed multiple major initiatives for them, including the initial B2B implementation following a series of enhancements for their flagship B2C site as well as a +15 country international rollout.

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