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American Hotel Register Company


Shortly after launching their site, American Hotel Register Company (now part of Bunzl Distribution), a leading supplier of products to the hospitality industry realized that their customers were having a difficult time finding the products that they were looking for and were not converting as a result. Further analysis revealed that they had issues with the relevance of the results being returned by their search engine (Solr).

Avatria conducted a comprehensive search tuning exercise that lasted 12 weeks.
The client engaged Avatria to improve the relevance of their search results and make it easier for their customers to find the products they desired. Over the course of a month-long engagement, Avatria conducted an assessment using our proprietary Search Tuning Framework. We then presented our findings and recommendations so that their team could address the issues we identified.
  • Findings and Recommendations: Avatria documented each issue we found and provided recommended solutions. For each finding we highlighted the business impact associated with addressing it, the effort to implement the recommendation, the level of risk associated with not implementing the recommendation, and the overall recommended priority for each item.

  • Roadmap: After working with the client to align on the priority of each finding, Avatria developed a Gantt chart that sequenced each item over the course of 3 quarters.
By the end of our assessment the client was able to implement some of the solutions that we recommended extremely quickly. This delivered value virtually immediately.
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